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I started losing hair at the age of 24. Dermatologists attributed my condition to either stress, or a virus in the water we drink, or to my forefathers. I went for blood tests, allergy tests, and tolerance tests. I was desperate. I tried everything on the market, spent a small fortune and ended up disappointed time after time.  Nothing seemed to work for my noticeably balding condition. I was completely disillusioned and desperate. I came to the conclusion that there was no cure after all.
In January 2001, I was looking for a telephone number in the local medical directory and my eye caught the listing for “Hair Loss Clinic". My hopes flared up; I have not been there before. So I phoned and made an appointment for the 27 January 2001.
 On my first visit, Dr Alexander examined my hair and explained the condition called "female pattern baldness". He showed me pictures of patients who have successfully completed the treatment. The results were amazing. The one thing that I noticed was the relatively short period of time between the "before" and "after" photographs. I agreed to start treatment immediately.
I applied the lotions religiously, and took the tablets as prescribed. I returned a month later for my follow up visit. Dr Alexander showed me the picture of my head taken on my first visit, and I was literally in awe. I was really very bald; my hair was lifeless and dull.
He examined my head. I was responding positively to the treatment. In the weeks to follow, I noticed new hair on my hairline. The strands were generally thicker and healthier. I spotted the same trend happening at the base of my existing hair.
Over a period of 9 months, I grew back most of my hair.  Today, almost 3 years later, my hair has maintained the growth, shine and body. Having all my hair back has given me a huge confidence boost.
I would strongly recommend this treatment. It really works. You can just have a look at my pictures and decide for yourself.